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So you want to run a Retreat?

Mind and Body Travel is here to help!

You already know that retreats can be life changing. A true escape from the stresses of life to work on 'me' and just like you, we want to see more and more people commit to some nourishing self-care.

The challenge? 

Everyone says they want to go on, or need a retreat, but only a small minority actually take the plunge and commit their time and money to booking onto one.  This creates a big challenge for Wellness Professionals whose customers constantly talk about retreats, but when you set one up, not many people book.  The fact is, you're not alone, which is why we have designed a range of Retreat Support Packages to help guide you through the planning and ensure your next Retreat is a resounding success!

Why Mind and Body Travel?

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Tailored Solutions for your Retreats

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Wide range of Domestic and International Destinations

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15 years Events & Travel Industry Experience

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We're passionate about Self-Improvement!

Retreat Support Packages

We're passionate about helping our customers deliver world class retreats.  Our Retreat Support Plans are designed so that you can focus on what you do best and leave the planning and logistics to us.  Choose the plan that will best support you and set yourself up for success!


Retreat Support Package

Young Joggers

Retreat Support Package

Confident Young Woman

Retreat Support Package

The perfect package to get your retreat plans started


Support Package Includes:

  • Comprehensive Retreat Planning Tool to help you plan for success!

  • 1 Hour Retreat Planning Consultation with Mind and Body Travel

Ideal package for professionals who are experienced but want most logistics taken care of


Support Package includes:

  • All inclusions of Basic Package +

  • Supplier/Venue Negotiations and contract management

  • Pricing and Profitability Planning

  • Booking Process and Payment/Financials Management

Our most comprehensive package to ensure you can focus on your clients whilst we take care of the logistics


Support Package includes:

  • All inclusions of Mid Package +

  • 24 Hour Support During your Retreat

  • Marketing Plan for your Retreat (advertising budget not included)

  • Option to add on-ground support/event managers (at cost)

Our Top Retreat Planning Tips


So many retreats start as a dream and unfortunately never actualise.  The dream is important but just as important are the many logistics and elements that all add up to a greater chance of success of your retreat and enjoyment of your guests.

How do Retreats fit with the long term vision of your business?

Retreats can be a 'nice to do' but if you aren't clear on how they fit with the long term vision of your business/organisation then it's important to question why you should run one.  When we think big, our problems get smaller, so always thinking with your vision in mind will give you clarity on the role that retreats play in your business

Secure interest before launching

With any retreat it is important that you have some customers committed prior to launching.  Humans will generally follow the lead of someone else so if you have people that book straight away, it will create momentum to kickstart more bookings and word of mouth

Be clear on the purpose of your retreat

Selling a retreat is a marketing exercise and just like any brand doing marketing, a clear message is essential.  Avoid 'making it for everyone' as you'll create a Retreat that doesn't resonate with 'anyone'.  Remember your job is to 'motivate' people to commit!

Know your numbers

How do I price it?
What is my breakeven?
How do I manage commitments with venues? 
What profit will I make? 
What are my payment deadlines?
If overseas retreat, how do I manage Forex risk?
These are just some of the critical questions that you need to answer in your planning.  Get these right and you won't be stressing about logistics - you want to be focusing on your customers and making your retreat amazing!

Don't do it all yourself - work smarter not harder

Particularly if you are sole trader or small business operator, the trap of doing everything yourself and becoming overwhelmed is all too common.  Do this and you'll miss key details or opportunities to make your retreat truly special.  Delegate to team members, use external specialists for elements like marketing, travel logistics

Avoid the temptation of going big!

If you're starting out with retreats, start small and exclusive to ensure you sell out and create that feeling of success.  Momentum will come from successful small retreats and you can grow sustainably over-time.  Also avoid the temptation to increase numbers if places sell quickly.  So may times we a small first-time retreat sell quickly and the host adds another 10 places, only to struggle to sell them.  A sold out retreat is a good thing, don't add more pressure by stretching too far.

If you'd like to chat more about your retreat ideas or concepts, please get in touch and we'd love to see how we can help!

Enquire Now

Greater Springfield, QLD 4300

+61 423 258 615

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